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I want to mobilize my film to generate impact

If you are a director, producer, distributor or have audiovisual material with the potential to engage people and generate dialogue, please contact us:

I want to be a screening partner

If you are part of an institution, organization, collective or have a space for a screening, choose a film and organize a screening followed by a round-table discussion or other activity:

I want to run a training course about cinema and social impact

If you work with audiovisual courses and training, are the curator of festivals or cinema laboratories, and would like Taturana to run a workshop, course or masterclass about cinema and impact, please write to:

If you already work or want to work with cinema and social impact (design and perform campaigns, mobilize networks for the screening of films with urgent dialogues, organize and coordinate projects and partnerships that strengthen the field), please contact us:

I want to join the Latin American network of impact producers

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